Meitao Qu (曲美陶)
AMPlify Residency, Wysing Arts Centre, Cambridge, 2021-2022
Treasure Islet, Video, 2022

Part 1 - 2'49"
Part 2 - 2'41"
Part 3 - 3'28"
Treasure Islet is a three-part video created in the construction and management simulation game Planet Coaster. Inspired by the development myth of Shenzhen, the series imagines a fictional eco-city built in Guiyu, a town that was once the largest e-waste site in the world. From roaming first person to stationary security footage, each part traverses the virtual landscape through different positions of view. Combining video game cinematics and real estate advertisement, the work explores the aspirational imagery of urban environments.
Sound by Nikolas Babic.
Produced as part of Wysing Arts Centre's AMPlify residency 2021 - 2022